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If recent events have you wondering if your financial plan is still on track, our customized planning process is designed to help identify any gaps you may have and how best to fill them.  

8 Step Financial Planning Process

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Data Gathering & Goal Discussion

  • Let’s us get to know who you are
  • Discuss your goals & objectives
  • Review your financial position
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Retirement Planning

  • Review your cash flows (income, savings and expenses)
  • Maximize your Social Security benefits
  • Review your Medicare options
  • Make sure you don’t outlive your savings
  • Provide lifetime income
  • Keep pace with the rising cost of living
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Investment Management & Planning

  • Match your goals & objectives to an investment portfolio
  • Determine your risk tolerance
  • Evaluate & select investment managers
  • Rebalance your portfolio
  • Monitor your investment activity
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Insurance Planning

  • Determine your life insurance needs
  • Discuss your long-term-care options
  • Review your property & casualty coverage
  • Review your disability & liability needs
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Legacy Planning
& Strategy

  • Leave a meaningful legacy to something or someone you care about deeply
  • Education planning needs for your grandchildren
  • Align your beneficiaries with your estate plan
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Tax Planning

  • Develop strategies to minimize
  • taxes over time
  • Create your tax-efficient
  • distribution strategy
  • Monitor any changes in tax law
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Estate Planning

  • Review your current estate planning documents:
    • Will 
    • Financial Power of Attorney 
    • Healthcare Power of Attorney 
    • Living Will 
    • Trust
  • Align your beneficiaries with your estate plan
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  • Semi-annual review meetings to determine your progress and any changes

Schedule a free consultation today!