Dangers Avoided
Financial Planning Insights Investing Behavioral Finance Lifestyle Retirement PlanningClients of mine are on their way to experience an African safari. What an experience awaits them. The splendor of the wild African geography, the opportunity to see wild animals in their natural habitat, the opportunity to participate in the culture, and to experience another people’s homeland. But how many of you would take this trip and not hire an experienced guide? How many of you would climb an unknown route up a mountain or scuba dive an unknown reef without the knowledge and experience of a trusted professional guide?
Many of you might be saying to yourselves that you would choose not to engage in these dangerous activities. If it’s so dangerous that I need a guide, I would rather participate in a less dangerous activity. But, if by using the services of the guide, you could reduce the danger sufficiently, would you still give up the opportunity to experience these glorious wonders of our world?
So it is in the world, dangers abound. Everywhere you turn there lurks another pitfall. And the services of an experienced, knowledgeable, and trusted guide can be worth every penny you pay them. If the guide can keep you relatively safe and allow you to experience the full spectrum of wonders that this world has to offer, the cost of the guide is invaluable.
Many of you should relate this advice to your investment portfolios. You could be missing out on the glorious bounty that is available from a properly allocated, well-diversified, low-cost, fully transparent, and liquid stock and bond portfolio. You could be under or over-diversified, get too greedy or too panicked, take too much risk or not enough, make bad decisions based on losses or taxes, borrow money to invest, buy your investments with sales charges, surrender charges, high costs, and no transparency (can’t see what you are really investing in), or buy something you can’t sell quickly. These are the dangers of the investing jungle and so many of you are getting lost in that jungle – or avoiding the jungle altogether.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The simplicity of the properly allocated, well-diversified, low-cost, fully transparent, and liquid stock and bond portfolio can provide you with the lifetime income stream to survive in an ever-increasing cost world. Open your mind to a simpler way and feel the embrace of your guide as they allow you to experience the wonders of the world without the fear and apprehension of the dangers avoided.
If you and your life savings are being ignored or feeling taken advantage of, come join our family. We are a family-owned financial planning and investment advisory firm that promises to treat you like family. No products. No hard sell. No gimmicks. Just honest advice based on four decades of experience.