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How Much Do You Love Your Family Thumbnail

How Much Do You Love Your Family


How dare I ask how much you love your family?  I’m sure you love them unconditionally and more than anything in this world.  You love them enough to provide for them, care for them, and support them.

You love them enough to create an emergency savings account to cover unexpected expenses that might threaten their security.  What if the roof blows off, or the hot water tank quits, or the car needs new tires?

You love them enough to save money to assist them in paying for their continued education after high school.  You don’t want them to accumulate a crushing pile of debt getting the education they need to succeed in their lives so you have made plans to set aside a monthly amount of money into an account such as Ohio’s College Advantage 529 savings plan.

You love them enough to save money every month to continue funding your living expenses long after you have the ability or desire to work.  You love them enough to not burden them with your needs for a continuing income stream that cannot be outlived and increases with the ever rising cost of living.

You love them enough to buy life insurance and disability insurance to cover the chance that you might not be able to continue to fund the plans above if you are injured or die before the plans are fully funded.

You love them enough that you have done the proper planning and find that you can make a difference in the lives of your grandchildren to help them pay for school, a wedding, or assist with the down-payment on a house.  Because you have planned, you have more money than you thought you ever would have and are able to provide for your family beyond your imagination.

You love them enough to create an organized, cost-effective, and tax-efficient plan for the disposition of your assets after your death.  You love them enough to have discussed and planned for your care in your later years including your health care plans.  You have created the documents necessary to carry out this plan and have kept them up-to-date throughout the years.

You love them enough to know that doing all of this on your own is not likely to happen and so, you have hired a professional, caring, fee-only Certified Financial Planner to assist and guide you through the creation and execution of your plan.

Let us know if we can help.