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Live Life


I was recently in Colorado visiting clients and was invited to ski with them for several days.  While enjoying the mountains I met several of my client’s friends who also loved to ski.  The common thread that emerged was that all of these folks had enjoyed skiing early in life and had committed to a goal of skiing as often as possible when they were financially independent enough to do so.  I was amazed at their zest for living life even into their 80s and beyond.

They had all committed to a savings plan early in life and had been diligent in the execution of that plan.  Their desire to live a certain lifestyle was instrumental in their consistency and success.  Interestingly, they all had also hired professional guidance to assist in the management of their savings.

The skiers are not alone.  I have come across folks who want to traverse the country in RVs, folks who want to golf the world’s best courses, travelers checking off foreign countries from their lists, and those who want to hear the crashing of the ocean’s waves out their doors. 

These folks all have a desire to live life to the fullest.  They have a quest to live the best life possible and to commit to trying to achieve that lifestyle.  This commitment is essential when day-to-day life gets in the way.

Having a plan and a coach to keep you motivated is the best way to overcome the obstacles that will occur over the years of saving.  And a globally diversified portfolio with a significant allocation to the great companies of the world can be the engine that delivers the success of that plan.  The long-term compounding of dividends and capital gains from those great companies is one of the best ways to grow your savings and insure sufficient income to keep ahead of the ever-increasing cost of living.  Even after your working years are over, a diversified portfolio of stocks and non-stocks can provide a lifetime income stream that keeps up with inflation.

For over 30 years we have developed an expertise in tax-advantaged compounding growth and income for hundreds of families.  We have enjoyed seeing those families achieve their goals and live life.  We welcome the opportunity to discuss your goals and help you do the same.